At the beginning of 2022, the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war has caused the prices of energy products such as oil and natural gas to rise sharply; the Okron virus has swept the world, and China, especially Shanghai, has also experienced a “cold spring” and the global economy ha...Read more »
Today I want to share an article with you: A decade ago, discussions about infrastructure revolved around how much extra money was needed to fix it. But today there is an increasing emphasis on sustainability and durability in projects involving the construction or repair of national roads, bridg...Read more »
The healthy and sustainable development of any industry is a necessary condition for the stable development of the entire industry chain. The healthy and lasting development of the traditional composite material (glass fiber reinforced plastic) industry needs to be based on the healthy and lastin...Read more »
Our company started the 5S management training course this week. We already have had 2 days closed type training course on 22-23th. Every month, we have one week training course of 5S management in twice, then it is being used into our daily working & production. We ...Read more »
Hi Dear All, We are back to work after holiday for the Chinese New Year. We are glad to share with you the photos of our celebration ceremony for starting working in the Lunar New Year. We hope to support you enlarge your business market and support you in new products development again on year...Read more »
FRP is a hard job. I believe no one in the industry denies this. Where is the pain? First, the labor intensity is high, second, the production environment is poor, third, the market is difficult to develop, fourth, the cost is difficult to control, and fifth, the money owed is difficult to recove...Read more »
In the late 1920s, during the great depression in the United States, the government issued a wonderful Law: prohibition. The prohibition lasted for 14 years, and wine bottle manufacturers were in trouble one after another. Owens Illinois company was the largest glass bottle manufacturer in the Un...Read more »
In the house decoration, if there are cracks on the wall, it is not necessary to paint all, just use joint paper tape or grid cloth to repair it, which is convenient, fast and saves money, although both of these can be used It is used for wall repairs, but many people do not know the specific dif...Read more »
According to the information from management and production department today, there is a New energy management policy for electricity (ration the power supply / rolling power cuts), we can only keep 40% production capacity for goods supply to our partners since this week till the end of 2021 year...Read more »
The fiberglass mesh is based on glass fiber woven fabric, and is coated with a high molecular anti-emulsion soaking. It has good alkali resistance, flexibility, and high tensile strength in the warp and weft directions, and can be widely used for heat preservation, waterproofing, and crack resist...Read more »
Sandwich structures are generally composite materials made of three-layer materials. The upper and lower layers of sandwich composites are high-strength and high modulus materials, and the middle layer is thick lightweight materials. FRP Sandwich structure is actually the recombination of composi...Read more »
FRP boat is the main type of FRP products. Due to its large size and many cambers, the FRP hand paste molding process can be integrated to complete the construction of the boat. Because FRP is light, corrosion-resistant and can be integrally formed, it is very suitable for building boats. Therefo...Read more »